How long is ISO certification valid for?

Once you’ve gone through your Certification Audit with a Certification Body, you may be wondering how long your Certification will last.

Generally, ISO Certificates are valid for a period of three years from the date of issue.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that the validity of your Certification is subject to satisfactory ongoing Surveillance Audits, which are usually conducted annually over the course of the three years.

Achieving Certification is not an end state. Your Management System must be maintained and reflect continual improvement towards the organization’s own objectives and targets.

We know that keeping up with the ongoing activities required by the ISO Management System Standards can be challenging without an experienced and committed team. This is where our Certification Ongoing Support comes in to assist.

By engaging with us to support you with the ongoing activities, you can be assured that your Certification is secure and your management system is competently managed by qualified and experienced experts.

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