3 Essential Tips to Make Your Tender Document Stand Out

One of the points that is often overlooked while writing a tender proposal is presentation of your Tender proposal. However, insignificant it might be but the look and feel of your tender proposal may affect the outcome. Put yourself in the evaluator’s shoes and see how a well formatted highly rich in content tender proposal might look. Such kind of presentation skills immediately makes you stand out of the competition. A high quality professionally drafted Tender document gives you the perfect platform to promote your business.

Here are 3 essential tips that will help you make your Tender Stand out in the competition.

The bidding landscapes becoming competitive day by day making yourself stand out from the competition can be a tough challenge. So here we discuss 3 essential tips to make your tender stand out in the competition.

3 essential Tips to make your tender document stand out are as follows :

  1. Do not keep a Low-Key Profile: A tender proposal is one of the best platforms for you to promote your business. It is an opportunity to make your success shine the brightest amongst all of other. Remember that the evaluator is alien to your organization, he has never heard of your brand. So you must ensure they know even the finest of the details of your organization. These are some of the hand-outs to help you effectively promote your organization.
  • Recent Projects
  • Staff Qualification
  • What makes your organization different
  • Resource Capabilities
  • Achievements
  • In-house strategies and Methodologies
  • Investments

However, the buyer is never impressed by just words he needs to see why and how you are the best company for the job.

  1. Use Varied Evidences  

Evidences are very specialized they are information drawn from the personal testimony. Presentation of evidences in the form of graphs, charts and other contract examples help to strengthen your Bids. Attachments of relevant case studies, contract win strategies are allows to convey strong information as to why you’re an idle supplier for the buyer. It is often so the tender document holds a place where you can attach your Work history for the review.

Utilize the space with images, charts which makes the proposal interesting for the evaluator and easy for him to allot you marks for the same. Don’t struggle to find the examples of evidence for your tender document. Just provide the points that make you stand out and explains why you are best suitable for the contract.

  1. Pass all the Compliance Criteria:

Within the public sector tender process there are strict marking criteria’s and one of the most important part of your tender document is Compliance with the specification. Once you pass all the compliance check there is no way you lose marks. So make sure you tick as many boxes as you can. Because the person evaluating your proposal will mark you against the specification so don’t give them a chance to score you low then the competitor.

Consider the below points for the above question

  • Give relevant answers to all the Questions considering the Specification
  • Draft your response within the word limit and the character limit
  • Don’t over estimate but do show the added value in the price criteria
  • Review your bid prior to submission for error free final print.

More so often we are so engrossed with the submission that we don’t pay much attention to the presentation details of our tender proposal and miss the vital elements of the information. However, it is difficult to be your own critique when you have to look at your own organization from an external point of view. Therefore, if it is a must win bid for you, you need to improvise on your presentation quality to make the evaluating process easier for the evaluator.

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